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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know of any books to read to get better acquainted with Odissi?

Question:I am a beginner student of Odissi. Are there any books I can read to increase my knowledge and get me more familiar with Odissi, particularly info on the use of mudras, the chauka and the tribhangi? Any info would be really helpful.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a beginner student of Odissi. Are there any books I can read to increase my knowledge and get me more familiar with Odissi, particularly info on the use of mudras, the chauka and the tribhangi? Any info would be really helpful.

ask to your guru and make a note of them and u can learn those. do u stay in ORISSA? if yes then u will get the books from any bookshop and if no, there are no books available outside orissa.i belong to orissa but recently i have shifted to MUMBAI. this dance form takes a lot of time to learn with details..