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Question:What colour of tights is best for ballet and modern? Like, could i use ballet pink tights in modern or would i look like an idiot?
Whatever colour, i will probally get convertible ones so i can wear my ballet shoes and footundeez after. Please post any ideas you have =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What colour of tights is best for ballet and modern? Like, could i use ballet pink tights in modern or would i look like an idiot?
Whatever colour, i will probally get convertible ones so i can wear my ballet shoes and footundeez after. Please post any ideas you have =]

I took both ballet and modern for years. Most of the people in my modern class were also in my ballet classes, so pink tights were hardly unusual. Convertible tights are definately a good idea, especially if you have your classes back to back.

If you're worried about what to wear, call the studio and ask what they suggest wearing to modern. It's not that strange of a question.

i would do black.
its an awsom color.

black tights for modern =]

Black thigths look pretty but the ones that can make you look like an idiot is fluorecent thights.. (pink or green) hehehehe

my ballet classes have always required ballet pink tights.
any other color was unacceptable...
so you should probably make sure there are no color restrictions first...

but i would go with ballet pink.
or black.
or tan.

convertible is the best way to go. i usually see pink or tan, it doesnt matter, no one looks weird in dance.. you dress to be comfortable

Many choises-choose what you think is the best
Pink for ballet, i must advise
I like black for modern-or tan
Black, tan, and fishenets are out there
i would say it depends on the theme or song for the modern
applause on the convertibles they rock!
I also want to suggest if u want to cut ur own holes at the bottom the tights to make your own..your choise.
hope this helps-

Well, all the girls in my ballet class wear black ballet tights.

Convertible tights are a great idea. I would chose either the color skin tone or white.