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Question:I have Freed Studio II Shoes. I know there not really beginner shoes but the fitter said my feet are extremely flexible but im only allowed to use lambs wool and not anything else for padding. Ive gone up on them only a few times and it hurts so incredibly bad i can barely move in them. Is there any way around this or will this pain get better. helpppp please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have Freed Studio II Shoes. I know there not really beginner shoes but the fitter said my feet are extremely flexible but im only allowed to use lambs wool and not anything else for padding. Ive gone up on them only a few times and it hurts so incredibly bad i can barely move in them. Is there any way around this or will this pain get better. helpppp please.

Stick with the lambs wool if thats what your studio requires, but you may also want to try some spacers and whats called "the big tip" by bunheads to alleviate some of the pressure on your big toe

My daughter has Freed but she's been on Pointe for 5 years and is in the company..her feet did not hurt that bad when she first went up, but hurt some. We taped her toes to help. Sounds like you got a poor fitter to me. Ask at your studio, which fitters are better, go back and ask for that person specifically and explain the problem.

When pointe shoes are new they're very stiff. Bend them back and forth a bit to soften the soles a little. It will help some. Bu they shoudn't hurt that bad. Mine never did. You didn't say where it hurts. Your toes, your arch or what?

Okay, honestly, you need different toe pads. Obviously lambs wool isn't cutting it. It really shouldn't hurt that bad to go up on pointe...

You'll get used to it soon. It needs to be broken in and it always hurts. Try soaking your feet after you dance.

i know hun, it hurts... but thats pointe. try to not think about it or use more lambs wool. pointe is supposed to feel like that... it will hurt, but the more you practice, the better it will feel. also, wear your pointe shoes around your house, just flat so u can get used to them. im telling you LIVE in them. just don't sleep in them or go outside in them. it might take a while to get used to thme, but it well get better i promise.

good luck!