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Position:Home>Dancing> Is 24 too late to start ballet, if so what is a good dance for me to start?

Question:I really want to dance (esp. ballet), but I'm just wondering what's a good dance for someone my age. I'm 5'9", 135lbs, and kinda lazy l.o.l.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want to dance (esp. ballet), but I'm just wondering what's a good dance for someone my age. I'm 5'9", 135lbs, and kinda lazy l.o.l.

Its never too late to start. You may want to find a studio that offers adult classes. It sounds like you have a good body for ballet. You may have to work on the lazy thing [lol] because ballet is no joke... but its fun. If it doesn't sound like something you would want to do... try hip hop, its fun, and everything doesn't have to be perfect... so u can improv more than you can in ballet, for it is very structured. But try to find adult classes... because they are more for adult body types rather than for teens who have been dacning their whole lives.

Happy Dancing and good luck... i really hope you love dancing as much as i do.

It's never too late to dance.

Wanna professional career, now that's another story. Also, YOU said you were lazy. That's why you're 24 still wondering if you can dance.

Just get up and boogie.