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Position:Home>Dancing> Plz help, ideas on good sneakers for hip hop dancing??

Question:i just joined a hip hop dance class and i don't know what sneakers r good for danceing and would look good when on stage plz give me some ideas..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i just joined a hip hop dance class and i don't know what sneakers r good for danceing and would look good when on stage plz give me some ideas..

Jazz sneakers are pretty much the best choice. They're not that expensive and look great on stage (mostly come in black) Some even have inserts on the sides for different colors so that they willl match a costume or your clothes. They are also good if you want to go up on your toes because they are comfy and I use them for lyrical also.

there are some that are really hot! ummm here they are: some places also sell ones like these but if you look for them like that you will have cooler shoes than anyone else!

good luck :)