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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I improve my point?

Question:My point in ballet is very weak. Partially, because my feet are almost flat. How can I improve my point.

P.S. I don't have a flexistretcher to practice with at home. Do you know where I could get one??????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My point in ballet is very weak. Partially, because my feet are almost flat. How can I improve my point.

P.S. I don't have a flexistretcher to practice with at home. Do you know where I could get one??????

you can find a theraband at any sporting goods store.. idk if thats the same as a flexistretcher though, but yeah to improve my arch i always sit with my legs straight in front of me and reach forward to touch my toes, when i do this i point and pull my heels towards me and then flex and pull my soles towards me (you can use one of those therabands or just pull with your hands).. if that makes any sense. also, keep your feet pointed when ever you can. practice your tendus slowly like this >

and if you click on the related links to the right of that video there are some other pointe excersizes that could help you.