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Position:Home>Dancing> Need a song lyric or quote about dancing for my girlfriends ipod?

Question:I'm getting my girlfriend a new ipod for the holidays and she's a dance teacher...I want to engrave it with something any suggestions that relate to dancing ? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm getting my girlfriend a new ipod for the holidays and she's a dance teacher...I want to engrave it with something any suggestions that relate to dancing ? Thanks

My favourite dance quote is:

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once."
--F. W. Nietzsche

If you Google "dance quotes," you should come up with plenty of sites. However, I recommend Wikiquote:

Some other good dance quotes:
"I dance because I am happy, I dance because I am free."
--Tosha M. Brown

"Dance is the hidden language of the soul."
--Martha Graham

Dancing with the stars theme song (extended), Lets dance [Hannah montana 2:meet miley cyrus] [disk 2], Tango, Ballet, or what ever dance she teaches kind of music.

"Dance is not a hobby but a piece of the heart."

Like it? I am not much of a dancer, but I can sing and act!

rihanna- please dont stop the music

"Dancing is dreaming with your feet" - unknown

Dance is the mother of all arts" - unknown

Dance to express, not to impress - unknown

No one can arrive from being talented alone, God gives talent, work transgresses talent. - unknown

Nothing would be done at all if we waited until we could do it so well that none could find fault with it. - Cardinal Newman

It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not - anonymous

Dancing is the world's favorite metaphor. ~ Kristy Nilsson

Dance - no translation needed. ~ Kristy Nilsson

It is not the movements that make a dance beautiful, it is the emotions that inspired the movements that make it beautiful. Kristy Nilsson

Musicality is when the dancers' movements appear to create the music -and not the other way around.~ Kristy Nilsson

Dance is the poetic baring of the soul through motion. ~ Scott Nilsson

hope these could help. :)

dance like no1 is watching
break dance not hearts
dance isnt a form its a way of life
Dancers are the athletes of God
We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams
Life is a dance, from one stage to the next
It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer
Dancers aren't made of their technique, but their passion
Your love for yourself is only shown when you are dancing freely
Dancers are instruments, like a piano the choreographer plays
If dancing were any easier it would be called football
Try to be fearless, because fear can inhibit you and keep you from a life~Miranda Weese (NYCB)
You can't see a painter or a writer or a musician if you just look at them, but you can see a dancer in a child if they've studied ballet for a year
The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing... there are times when the simple dignity of movement can fulfill the function of a volume of words. There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself. This is the dancer's justification for being, and his reason for searching further for deeper aspects of his art
teacher doesn't teach, not really. The teacher offers stimulation and ways in which the person can educate himself or herself. At best the teacher wakes up that person and makes a person hungry.
dance is used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words
Dancers are an admirable bunch of people. The way they work. The stress is extraordinary. It's a difficult career. I think it's hellish; the fact that they are over the hill as they're emotionally maturing. That calls for a terrific strength of character
You know you're dancing when tears of pain and happiness blend in with your sweat
Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy