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Question:what are some things i can do to treat blisters from pointe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are some things i can do to treat blisters from pointe?

First, drain the blister, and cut off all the dead skin. ( i kno its gross) And then put band-aids and antibacterial cream on it. The cream really helps more than it says. And then just try and dance through it.

make a small hole in the blister to drain it, get neosporan to cover it and then put a bandaid over top of it ... keep it covered for a day or two and then you can remove the dead skin line your shoes in mole skin to help prevent blisters


well ur can put alchohol. that will make u dance real well. lol. no no dont try it. that will make u burn ur fit and have an awful sting.

Lately, I've been getting these terrible blood blisters from pointe, so my friend recomended this stuff called bedidine. It's basically medicated iodine. It looks a lot like blood, but it works so good! You just put some on your blisters before you do pointe then cover them with band-aids. It pretty much turned all my blood blisters into calases within a week. You can get it at any CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, all those drug stores. If you get the actual bedidine, it will cost you 20 bucks, but there's another brand that's exactly the same thing thats only 10 bucks.

Another way to treat blisters is to drain them. Only do this if they are full blisters(meaning there is some kind of liquid or pus in them) Just take a needle and burn it to kill all of the bacteria. Let it cool down then poke it into the center of your blister. Pull it out, ond some liquid will drain from the blister, sometimes it's clear and has the consistensy of water. Other times, it can be yellow, thick and smelly. If that's the case, you might have to squeeze the blister a little to drain it. If you have a blood blister, then obviosly when you drain it, blood will come out. You may have to stick the needle in you blister a couple times to completly drain it.

To prevent blisters, make sure you have good toe pads, not old worn out ones. Also, you should try either taping or using band-aids on the spots where you know you are likely to get blisters. There's this really good tape you can get that sticks to itself, but not to your skin. It's great because with regular medical tape, when you take it off, it sometimes pulls your blister off with it, which HURTS!!

Good Luck!

I hate blisters from point -evil-
um i use band - aid blister band aids
umm or a regular onewith some sort of cream or no cream
i like bandaid then taping with sports tape to it keep it on
ad then where shoes that don't rub. you can also leave it and let it get better on its own preventing dirt and all but i have a feeling you'll be back on point right away right so yeah

also taping where you usually get blisters helps prevent them
i hope this helped and gd luck with point

Well whenever I get blisters I put these things called corn pads on them. There like a small circular foam things and it has a hole in the middle and you put the hole over the blister. This takes the pressure off the blister when you dance, it seems to really help me!

Put tape over the spots you usually get blisters.

OUCH!!!!! I had the same exact thing happen to me!!! all i did was wait until it heals and stay off of your pointe shoes for a little bit and they will heal. you can also put neospren on them so they will heal faster. also you could wear berkenstocks to school since they don't have a back on them. p.s. if you don't wear tights with your pointe shoes i recomend doing that from now on.(thats why i got my blisters)

I would poke a hole in it with a clean needle at the bottom, so gravity would help drain it. And then cover with neosporin and a band-aid. It works everytime for me.

during dancing cut some mole skin around the blister put some neasporine on it bandaid it tape it