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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know how to do oversplits?

Question:I can do my right, left and front splits. But I want to stretch further. How can I get to oversplits?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can do my right, left and front splits. But I want to stretch further. How can I get to oversplits?

do you mean invert your splits?

- put books on the floor
- put your front leg on the books
- go into your splits

it should help

for me i am a dancer.
i do another stretch called a "needle"

- stand by a wall facing away from it
- put your hands on the ground so your butt is towards it
- put one leg about 2 - 4 inches away from the wall
- take your other leg and put it on the wall
- and push your legs flat against the door
[ like your doing a split on the wall ]

sorry if thats confusing.. =/

I am a dancer, and there are certain people who have joints that allow them to do oversplits, but if you dont, you can cause serious joint and ligament damage. If you are extremely flexible, try the book excercize, and if it leaves your muscles tense, or if your joints crack, then dont attempt oversplits again.

Nope I can't do those yet, but I have my left and right splits flat.

I don't know how to do oversplits though.