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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I loosen up when dancing?

Question:Everytime I try to dance gracefully I just end up looking like the stiff one with no rhythm at all, and im tall so everyone can see it. How can I loosen up! I try to shake my bum so hard but it doesn't look like im doing anything! =(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Everytime I try to dance gracefully I just end up looking like the stiff one with no rhythm at all, and im tall so everyone can see it. How can I loosen up! I try to shake my bum so hard but it doesn't look like im doing anything! =(

Do this at home. 1) Exaggerate every move as much as you can. So what if you look funny - noone can see it. 2) Who is your favorite dancer? How would she dance the same moves? Imagine that. Pretend that you dance like she. It is still OK to exaggerate. Then go back to the dance floor and dance normally. You will feel and look different.

DRINK Alchohol it will help you not give a crap and it will give you an excuse for bad danceing

i love to dance, but still im kinda nervous and awkward when i start out. ive found the best way to get into it is to just wiggle around and dance like an idiot to start. just move however the music makes you feel. and sooner or later youll loosen up and maybe even get a sweet dance move out of the process ;)

Forget your rear end and think, 'grace' and 'flow', then go on.

well, what are some things you really enjoy? Do them before starting to dance. example: listen to music (if it's something you enjoy). then, after you do that. maybe try to loosen up by streching a little. Streching ALWAYS helps. even if it helps only a little bit, it will at least help some. if youre dancing in a cold environment, it's going to make you stiffen up, so try to dance in places that are warmer. um....... maybe dancing with people you know will help you relax and loosed up too. After you get used to being around them, THEN move on to dancing around ppl you don't know.

Pretend to "flow" like water. That helped me. Im tall too. I had this "brick wall," but now I do not. Also STRETCH!!!!!

A glass of bubbly works every time.

if you're of age, take a shot of tequila or sumthin