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Position:Home>Dancing> How do u do this????????? HELP?

Question:How do YOU do the crip walk or 2step..... i need to know the steps ,step by step =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do YOU do the crip walk or 2step..... i need to know the steps ,step by step =]

OK this is kind of hard to explain in words but first you turn both feet to the left (your left) and go up on the heel of your left foot and on the toe of your right foot than bring them together flat on the floor and do it again then bring them together again and turn your feet to the right going up on the heel of your right foot and the toe of your left foot bring them together flat on the floor and do it again than you switch to the left again and so on. Hope I helped!

One step two steps etc etc.

i cant explain to you how to do it. they have a video on youtube