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Position:Home>Dancing> Types of ballet? Please help =[?

Question:I'm looking into taking up classical ballet as a hobby.

there are 2 classes im confused about..

I want to do classical ballet but they are both for beginners whats 'basic ballet' does that inclue contemporary and classical?

classes are=

1) Classical ballet - beginners
2)Basic ballet - beginners
which one should i be taking if i have NEVER done ballet and want to start right at the bottom?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking into taking up classical ballet as a hobby.

there are 2 classes im confused about..

I want to do classical ballet but they are both for beginners whats 'basic ballet' does that inclue contemporary and classical?

classes are=

1) Classical ballet - beginners
2)Basic ballet - beginners
which one should i be taking if i have NEVER done ballet and want to start right at the bottom?

Okay, to answer your last question first, beginners is the very bottom, elementary is the next step, then intermediate, and the highest would be advanced. My school doesn't use that kind of system, but that's what it would mean. It's like preschool, elementary school, high school, and university.

Your other questions aren't really answerable. Every school would do something different. But I've been dancing ballet for 11 years, so I would imagine that "Basic" is going to teach you the very basic moves you need for ballet, and "Classical" would be a little more focused on technique. I would start with the basic class if you have no experience.

However, I don't know your ability or the dance school's expectations. You should call in and ask the people there about classes. They might also suggest going in once to have a teacher evaluate you, and they will tell you what class you are best suited for.

I love ballet, but I'll warn you that if you are a little older (which you are, considering you are on Y!A), it isn't going to be easy at first. Ballet requires work, discipline and commitment, even if you only do it a little bit for fun! Don't be surprised if you are so stiff you can't walk the day after your first class. It still happens to me after each summer, even after 11 years!!

Good luck, and have fun!

You need to ask the dancing school the difference between the two classes. There are really two types of ballet, classical and contemporary - contemporary is modern ballet. I prefer classical myself like, Swan Lake etc.

Ballet is a fabulous way to keep fit, get good posture and get and keep flexible - good luck!

I danced from a very young age up until I was about 35 - I only stopped because I haven't got time but I do still stretch, bend and so some dancing in my front room to keep flexible - at the age of 41 I can still do the splits!

i think its different for every school. why not call them up and clarify? goodluck:)

I would begin in a basic ballet class where you will learn the fundamentals. I assume if the school is offering a separate "classical ballet " course they are referring to one of the main two schools of classical ballet which is very specific. Why not ask the school where you plan to enroll? Explain what your purpose for studying dance is and let them direct you into the correct class.