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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm thinking about taking dance for acting (body movement. Which type of dan

Question:I am not flexible, but I would like to be. I can't even do a cartwheel! Are there any stretches that will help with splits or basic flexibility?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am not flexible, but I would like to be. I can't even do a cartwheel! Are there any stretches that will help with splits or basic flexibility?

I'm 14 years old and I have been dancing since I was 4. I'd say that the best for flexibility is Jazz. Pilates and Yoga can also help you with that. Now, as for theatrical body movement, and if it's more dramatic, Lyrical would be a good place to start. Both of these will be really helpful in improving your flexibility.

Hope this helps :]

Jazz might be the most useful.

Hiphop and jazz in my hiphop and jazz classes we get very flexible and its also fun. I would also suggest you to take tumbling, it really gets you flexible and it is also fun. Plz answer some of my questions.

ballet is the root of all dance, so if you are just looking for a way to add more grace and fluidity to your body movement, it would be a good place to start.