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Position:Home>Dancing> What kind of music does ballet use for their performance?

Question:Classical ballet uses classical music, such as Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker music. Contemporary ballet can use anything, from modern music (ranging from Stravinsky who composed in the early 20th century to minimalist Philip Glass), jazz & pop (such as Twyla Tharp's works set to pieces by Gershwin and Billy Joel) and even heavy metal (check out the Ballet Deviare company: ).

Everyone here should get out and see what's happening in contemporary ballet these days to educate yourself more.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Classical ballet uses classical music, such as Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker music. Contemporary ballet can use anything, from modern music (ranging from Stravinsky who composed in the early 20th century to minimalist Philip Glass), jazz & pop (such as Twyla Tharp's works set to pieces by Gershwin and Billy Joel) and even heavy metal (check out the Ballet Deviare company: ).

Everyone here should get out and see what's happening in contemporary ballet these days to educate yourself more.

It is usually classical, though some more contemporary companies may use other types.

u can use any thing and make it fit
swan lake all of those types of bits of music
yea all good

Most classical ballets such as Swan lake have set scores that are danced to and more modern classical pieces have music directly scored for them. contemporary dance is just that and uses contemporary music.
