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Position:Home>Dancing> How to ...Walk it Out - Unk?

Question:I know, real old song, but it's always bugged me...can someone give me an instructional video (not the actual one) or step by step instructions on how to?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know, real old song, but it's always bugged me...can someone give me an instructional video (not the actual one) or step by step instructions on how to?

okay im about to get technical here:
squat so your knees are bent
but make sure your feet aren't spread too far apart
keep them in line like you were standing
now your hips are going to be shaking left and right.
turn your feet the same direction your hips are going.
and when you are turning to the other way
[like from left to right or right back to left]
pick your feet up like you were stepping.
and move your hands however you want to.
to understand it a little more watch the vid's like they say and you'll get a clearer version of what im telling you.

[i usta couldnt dance so i just had to help somebody out]

you can find 1 on you tube

listen to the'll find out. You can find a video on youtube

if you watch the real music video
or somebody impersonating it

you can probably watch closely
and try to copy them
sooner or later you'll get the hang of it

good luck


Go to youtube & search for:
Walk it Out original Video
it will show u how or at least the video