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Question:I have wanted to do ballet since i was about 10 but due to money problems and moving school a lot i was unable to settle.
Also,my parents told me to not bother with it because they said 'it isn't you, you're too clumsy ' i found this hurtful but it made me want to learn ballet more so i could prove to them i could be graceful.
Anyway, they still refused to pay for me and because i was quite young i could never afford to pay myself. So i never got to go.

I'm turning 16 soon and as far as their concerned, as i have a job i can do what i want with my earnings, even if they don't agree with me taking up ballet. [ they call it a waste of time i think they are being ridiculas because i think its amazing]

I feel really disheartned because i couldnt start younger and my chances of going on to perfom are pretty much none from what i have been told.
I want to start so bad but i feel like i'm going to be a laughing stock. What should i do, am i being silly/ is it too late for me ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have wanted to do ballet since i was about 10 but due to money problems and moving school a lot i was unable to settle.
Also,my parents told me to not bother with it because they said 'it isn't you, you're too clumsy ' i found this hurtful but it made me want to learn ballet more so i could prove to them i could be graceful.
Anyway, they still refused to pay for me and because i was quite young i could never afford to pay myself. So i never got to go.

I'm turning 16 soon and as far as their concerned, as i have a job i can do what i want with my earnings, even if they don't agree with me taking up ballet. [ they call it a waste of time i think they are being ridiculas because i think its amazing]

I feel really disheartned because i couldnt start younger and my chances of going on to perfom are pretty much none from what i have been told.
I want to start so bad but i feel like i'm going to be a laughing stock. What should i do, am i being silly/ is it too late for me ?

Should you start ballet now? Absolutely, girl! Don't even hesitate!!

Should you do what you've always dreamed of, even though your parents don't approve? I think so. Some people just don't get it, really. In all my years of dancing, so many people have asked me in an incredulous tone "Why on earth would you want to do ballet?!" or told me that I'm mad to spend so much time, effort & money on it.

And lastly, should you at all give a damn what anybody else thinks? No way!!! Whoever laughs at you living your dream, are idiots who will never understand the arts.

In short - go for it and enjoy! ;-)

My friend told me this once "Its never too late to be who you could've been".

We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I didn't begin taking classical Indian dance (very strict and disciplined like Ballet) lessons until I was 19 and in college. Now I teach dance at an academy, and I'm only 20.

You're never too old, and at your age you will begin to lose flexibility so you should begin asap. Stretch every single day, never forget and work very hard and you will be fine. It doesnt matter what people think of you. I thought the same at first, and then people saw how hard I worked and I gave it my all. I took Ballet lessons for a year when I was 17-18 and it was wonderful, but my heart is in classical indian dance.

you should absolutely start. don't let anyone even your parents hold you back from what you want to do. i just recently started ballet and im seventeen my parents don't approve of dancing or the fact that i want to be on broadway they do not support me an once but i found a job and i pay for my dance classes and my voice lessons and everything else i need, i work my tail off and you know what? im glad im paying for it because i work hard and then i get to reap the benefits eventually i hope my parrents will come around but ballete is truely awesom and i love it i just love dancing!!!!!!! good luck!

If you don't learn ballet while you are still young and flexible enough to learn you will regret it the rest of your life. I feel that you need to try to get your parents to understand how you feel. Perhaps if you explain to your parents that a lot kids your age spend their money on drugs and alcohol and half the time their parents don't know what their kids are doing. Even if they think it is a waste of money, you will being doing something constructive with your time. Also there are health benefits in your favor and you will also be learning self discipline. You need to do this now because it may be a career you will want to follow and if it turn out that ballet is not all you thought it would be you could then direct your attention to another direction and you won't wonder if you made the right choice. I wish you the very best and I feel you are responsible and headed in the right direction and just between you and me I think your parents will come around once you start your classes.

As a dance teacher, I have to say that your chances of becoming a professional ballet dancer now are really, really slim. Most dancers of your age that want to become professionals have been dancing for over a decade and are getting ready to move on to their professional careers. I do however think that learning to dance is an incredible experience that you would never regret. I just don't want you to have unrealistic expectations.

definately start!!! u won't be dissapointed!!