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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can i learn to dance?

Question:i would like to know of a site or a video on youtube or something of that sort on teaching how to dance

and also guys what kind of dancing do you like

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would like to know of a site or a video on youtube or something of that sort on teaching how to dance

and also guys what kind of dancing do you like

Youtube's probably the place to go. There's a lot of videos of unique dancing styles and explanations of some popular moves.

You may want to check out Dance Addict's Guide . It's full of interesting stuff on the basic aspects of dancing, such as the invisible movements of thinking in terms of the diaphragm, posture, proper breathing, focus points and the like. Unless you know, and are able to execute these basics, videos will only help you get the steps and seldom anything more.

My favorite dance is the Tango-- so sensuous and so expressive. The music is often haunting, and reminds me of my past lifetimes in the Argentina.

that all just depends on wat u want to learn to dance. but if its hip hop jus type in the name of any raper and im sure a video will pop up wit girls dancing.good luck!!!