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Position:Home>Dancing> How to learn Illusion turn done in dance and rhythmic gymnastics?

Question:I really need to learn how to do an illusion turn and I need some pointers. I'm very flexible and I have my splits down and oversplits, but I can't manage to figure it out! Any pointers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really need to learn how to do an illusion turn and I need some pointers. I'm very flexible and I have my splits down and oversplits, but I can't manage to figure it out! Any pointers?

If you're talking about the same kind of illusions that I'm talking about, then illusions will feel kind of like an ariel but you never pick one of your legs. The trick is to have your head at its lowest point when your foot is pointing directly toward the ceiling. Your body and your moving leg should always be in a straight line. Step forward on your right foot, and start to do an arabesque. At the same time, let your body start to fall forward. If you keep pushing your leg up like that, your supporting leg will naturally turn you, and you'll be in a split position with your body right next to your supporting leg. At this point, you will be looking at your audience. From there, let your left leg continue with the arc, and start to bring your body back upright. Your supporting leg will naturally continue to turn a little bit more. Your body should reach its full upright position at the same time as your leg lands. You will end up facing the opposite way from where you started originally.

These will take some practice. I hope that this helped! Let me know if you have any clarifying questions.