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Position:Home>Dancing> How tall do you have be to be in the American ballet theatre?

Question:Also what measurements? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Also what measurements? Thanks!

Well I would say average height. People who are amazing dances(no matter what the height) will probably be taken. I just think of Margot Fonteynn(sp?) and how she had "bad feet" yet still was accepted and became one of the best ballerinas! My guess is between 5'-5'6'' for girls. Boys...well I don't think they really care compared to girls. I think if a really tall girl was to try out and she was as good as a shorter girl they would probably pick the shorter one. Hope that helps!

Good question!! Let me know if you find out!! I ? DANCE!!

please let me know when you find out.
i've been wondering.
[dance is tehh bom-diggity]

ABT measures your talent, not your height or figure......

i dont think theres a height minimum. y shoud there b? its all about talent right?

Umm...there are measurement requirements? I really do hope that is not true because that really is wrong. It should be about talent not size. That's ridiculous in my opinion. You could pass up many great dancers just because they don't fit the 'ballerina figure' (whatever that is...).