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Position:Home>Dancing> Should i ask my crush to dance at the school dance?

Question:We are good friends and i don't know if i should or not

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We are good friends and i don't know if i should or not

ask to go to the school dance with you. or meet you there or something. if your good friends then im sure she will. if things go well, then ask her out


Absolutely! Especially if you are friends. Don't freak him out and kiss him or anything, just be like "Hey, you wanna dance?" He'll probably say yes.

Yes, ask for the should & have a great time. Good friends dance, don't they? Good luck.

Chances are that your crush is going to be dancing at the school dance. Your challege is going to be whether to get her to dance with "YOU" in the school dance.

Yes - I think you should ask.

Best of Luck.

I would say go for it the least that could happen is they say no or what not

sure why not , what do you have 2 loose

yes u should..good luck!

OH YES!! Take a chance.