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Position:Home>Dancing> Is 15 years old to old to go into dance classes??

Question:I have a friend that wants to go into dancing. Is 15 too old to take dance lessons?? Ballroom, or Salsa dancing is what I would do.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a friend that wants to go into dancing. Is 15 too old to take dance lessons?? Ballroom, or Salsa dancing is what I would do.

No! It is harder to start in ballet than any other dance technique at a late age, but you can usually find a school that offers beginner classes for older kids. They usually have adult beginner classes that have different age limits so you might be able to do that! If you find a good dance school, I would recommend jazz, hip-hop, ballet, or tap! Good luck!

no its not..

No age is too old. Dancing is for life!

Its never too late. Do it and have fun, especially with those two dances. Don't limit yourself though. Try everything dance has to offer, you may surprise yourself.

No, you are never to old to learn.

15 is not to old!~ dance is for anyone who is into it and is willing to try. there are 25 year olds who do dance and still get picked to be in worldwide companies!

It is never too old to dance!
You should try different stylesof dance to see which one is you.
Good luck!

nope. go and have fun !

no more like 85 now thats old to go in dancing

If you want to do those types of dance then yeah if it was something like ballet or jazz or lyrical then no.But yeah go for it i think you should!

NO! if you want to try somthing any age is alright!

No, defiantly not too old!