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Question:What's ur fav. dance of all time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What's ur fav. dance of all time?

It's a tie between The Dutty Wine, and Spongebob

The Butterfly Dance. I used to it all the time when I was younger.

soulja boy

Viennese Waltz!

Any jazz dance

Salsa!! It is the hottest, most free-form, fun dance of all time!! There are so many different shines and turn patterns and there is nothing better than putting it all together and shakin it!!!

Tie between Cha Cha Slide and Cotini (sp?!?!) Joe. (How do you spell that?) Oh, and if you have no idea what the second one is, I can pronounce it. C-ot (as in fought) - in - i (as in the other word, me, myself, and "I" ) and then Joe.

Crank dat Soulja boy
Dutty Wine
Pop Lock & Drop It

those 4 good oness

The Dutty Wine
Pop Lock Drop It