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Position:Home>Dancing> This is going to the vote - I want to visuliase you doing the victory dance when

Question:what is it. Mine is arms outstretched and wriggling my hips with legs akimbo.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is it. Mine is arms outstretched and wriggling my hips with legs akimbo.

yes,similar to yours.

Me doing a booty dance,,,ha ha ha

when i get a best answer i do the lambrini dance yeeehaaaaa lol xxx

give me best answer and ill tell you.
i foresee a very loud james brown track playing with me dancing to sex machine. wilst trying to drink my water.

Margarena??..think thats how you spell it!!

i will headbang for you

Samba, come on baby

Fists shoot up in the air and twirl around in my desk chair!

Sorry but I dance like an elephant only not quite as gracefully. I tried yours but I fell over.


My dance begins with a wiggle in my toes that spreads to my legs and radiates upwards. I shake and twist uncontrollably to the beat that has suddenly sprung up behind me. My head starts bobbing and my arms start moving, and I become one with my inner robot, taking the floor to impress all Earthlings with my funky space dance of victory. :)

When celebrating I'm afraid I do the one that used to be on the Guinness advert. Guess that only makes sense to older UK correspondants!

i do a Homer Simpson, wohhh hohhhh

have you seen cameron diaz doing that booty shakin thing at the beginning of charlies angels when she's dancing round the place with just t-shirt and pants on? thats me.......*blush*

Soljaboy Danceeeee!!!

Cartwheel into splits like Gabby Logan did in Strictly Come Dancing. Then I tango with my chair, jive by myself or jump up and down alot.