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Position:Home>Dancing> What was the name of that dance that was done on 'so you think you can dance

Question:It's probaly been about 2 years ago. I think it was the one that "Benji" won.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's probaly been about 2 years ago. I think it was the one that "Benji" won.

I don't think it had a name. The SONG is called ramalamabang bang. You can try looking for it on you tube. Like where someone recorded it from their TV and then you can look at the writing when they start dancing. It should be on the left hand side of the screen (white writing)

I love that show and it's ramma lama bang bang!We record that show all the time and I watch it all the time!

Is it this?

When You Gonna Give It Up To Me which Shane Sparks choreographed

I actually think it was Ramalama (Bang Bang). That was the one where they were looking monsterish

or was it sexy back? where they were like models...aahhhh i am really confused lol :)