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Position:Home>Dancing> Would taking a ballet class improve my martial arts?

Question:as far as flexibility and balance and maybe some other things are concerned....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: as far as flexibility and balance and maybe some other things are concerned....

yes and no.

The flexibility, balance, and coordination would improve.
However, you need to be careful that movements that are unique to martial arts are not tainted by similary movements in ballet.

For example, if your front kick in your martial art is chambered and then thrust forward, you don't want to be compromised by a ballet kick, which may be more "graceful" and less forceful.

Any exercise in a movement-oriented class can help your martial arts (Bruce Lee took fencing to improve his footwork); however, don't let it overshadow or compromise the martial arts./

absolutely! you will improve your stamina along with balance and flexibility.

Of course, balance & grace are a few reasons it would be benificial.
Go for it!!!!!

sure..........ballet is a GREAT glass for flexibility and balance.
I can learn to balance on your toes......

Also, gymnastics would help because of the flips and you learn balance there, also.

I would say yes, big time.

Yes it will. When I was taking TaeKwonDo I took tap dancing to help me become better at moving my feet. It helped tremendously.

Hmmm...interesting concept. It probably could help a great deal as you've mentioned. Especially with the stretching exercises required.

Yes; and wearing a tutu will do wonders for your social life.

mmmm...... practicing your martial arts will improve your martial arts. There are exercises that would benefit you, doing those would be great. But if you want to improve your martial arts, practice that.

Ballet would greatly increase your ability in the martial arts. During the martial arts, you are taught grace and humiliation. During ballet, you are taught the same thing. When in the martial arts, it won't be anywhere that you haven't been before. It might be in a different form, but you already know how to deal with it. It also can help you the other way around. Alot of sport individuals take ballet for balance, jumps(flying kicks), cornation, and a lot of hard work (humiliation). If you have the chance to take it and you don't, you only fool yourself and the rest of your life you'll be thinking about how you could have been. By taking it, you'll know how you are!

Ballet always inspires beauty, balance and grace.


I probably wouldn't think so but it mighth help you be stronger because you have to lift your leg and move your arms you can try gymnastics that might help!

yes i ust to take taekwondo and i had to take ballet for flexibility and i was hooked to ballet and i quit taekwondo!