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Position:Home>Dancing> Homecoming?

Question:i am a freshman and homecoming is coming up

-what kind of clothing do u were

-do u ahve to get a garder or mum

-do u have to go with someone

-is it a fromal dance or jsut a regular one

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am a freshman and homecoming is coming up

-what kind of clothing do u were

-do u ahve to get a garder or mum

-do u have to go with someone

-is it a fromal dance or jsut a regular one

a. clothing really depends on yor theme .. if it is formal wear a nice shirt and slacks

b. no u dont and it is more fun that way lol i didnt u can . no big deal rly if u dont or do .. everyone justs haves fun

d . again it depends on your theme if you have spirit week like ours is flash back 90-60 each for a diifrent grade level
but it raly dosent have to follow rly as long as u lok nice no one cares

have fun freashmen year is the best !!!!

all i know is that its the biggest dance of the school year so this ones special

clothing: ask someone @ your school whether it is a formal dance or not. that makes it easier to pick clothes.
If you take a date (you dont have to) but if u do, get her a corsage.
hope that helps

better to be over than under dressed

its the biggest school dance of the year unless your a senior but you dont have to go with anyone. i all ready had homecoming. whatever you want to wear.

- dress nicely but don't go overboard
- No u don't need one.
- u don't have to go with someone (u should if u can)
-Its a little formal, some people go as far as to rent limosines where i live, but don't waste ur time on that.(yes ive know freshman who do it)

freshmen=GGGGGGAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! are YOU freakin you even know what homecoming is????? C/O 09..HELL YEAH!...

C/O 09!!!

well basically its the most important dance of the year.
its a lot of fun.
u wear formal clothing and u absolutely do not have to go with a girl. I actually went with my friends last year and this year i am going too.
have fun because i know i will.