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Question:how can i enhance my body to do some quick move or like a usher move? or like the moves in RNB mtvs?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can i enhance my body to do some quick move or like a usher move? or like the moves in RNB mtvs?

Dancing is a muscle memory sport. You must train your body do act without your mind.

Its like riding a bike. You cant read or study a book to ride a bike you have to get on and fall down a lot. Once you get it you cant ever explain why it was so hard.

Just keep doing the moves over and over, very slowly. Forget the music and learn the move at your speed with total relaxation and balance. Speed will come in its own time.

Practice does not make perfect.
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect.

yuor proplely want to losen your body like if you were in space

watch the moves over and over. Then try to do them really slowley a couple of times. After a while it will come to you. Plus if you work out a little bit that will help you get them down faster.

its your reaction time. watch the video and MEMORIZE the steps you want to do quicklu be practicing a lot. trust me it isnt your body that wcant to the quick steps, its how well you know them. do the steps slowly and once you know you have mastered that speed, increase, master and then increase speed again. keep doing that until you get you moves up to their tempo.