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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it wierd to go to a dance(homecoming dance) alone?

Question:I'm in 11th grade

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in 11th grade

no not at all

i'm a junior too, and i almost always go to dances alone, well with my friends at least. and i happen to think its more fun going dateless, that way you're not "tied down" with just one person and you can mingle and dance with whoever you want

that`s okay honey...just try to enjoy that night.

shoot no
if anyting you dont want a date
then you have to dance with them the whole time
not anjoy yourself and dance with everyone
so go have fun and when the slow songs come on i bet someone will ask you to dance
and if not have some guts and go ask someone you have been crushing on

i went to hc with no date and had the best time ever
i had a date last year and they just brong the night down

no, just go with a bunch of friends and you'll fit right in.

Actually that is the best way to go. I always had a date and ended up missing out spending the time laughing and having fun with my friends. I regret it now. I was always worried about how I looked and acted to my date to have any fun myself.
This is the time of your life to have fun and be yourself.
Have a great time and dance for me.