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Position:Home>Dancing> Asking a girl to Homecoming?

Question:Foreign Exchange student, Theme is "Western".

I'm also a varsity football player.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Foreign Exchange student, Theme is "Western".

I'm also a varsity football player.

I think you should write a sweet, romantic note asking her to the dance, an stick it in her locker. If you don't want to do that, then just take a few deep breaths, walk up to her, and say "Hey, would you like to go homecoming with me" or what ever you want to say. If you are polite, kind, and make a good impression, I am sure she will say yes. Good Luck!!!

Just say to her, "Hey, baby - ever 'do it' in a van"?

Then, when her defenses are down (around her ankles) you ask her to the dance.

just be a gentleman and watch your manners you should do ok