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Position:Home>Dancing> Whats the meaning of this song? would it be good to use in a dance studio?

Question:i teach at a dance studio and i'm looking for something new for the girls. my tuesday group is ages 5 to 6. my wednesday group is ages 7 to 8. my thursday group is ages 9 to 10. heres a link to the words:

i'm not sure what the song means and if it would be appropriate for the girls. i like the song and all. i don't want to cause problems with their parents or anyone. comments are appriciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i teach at a dance studio and i'm looking for something new for the girls. my tuesday group is ages 5 to 6. my wednesday group is ages 7 to 8. my thursday group is ages 9 to 10. heres a link to the words:

i'm not sure what the song means and if it would be appropriate for the girls. i like the song and all. i don't want to cause problems with their parents or anyone. comments are appriciated!

this song is about a guy who wants to sleep with a girl but not commit to her. its definately not appropriate for a dance class.

The dictionary says that slang is the abuse with vulgar language, But this day and age it could very well have another meaning!
As a parent myself I really would not like that you used this song. It does have the name of the lord in vane in it too.
Personally if you do not know the meaning of a song your self then I would never use it! Some parents may not care but many may!

I agree, it is not appropriate. I have never heard this song before so I don't know if it is good to dance for but the words are inappropriate. I would dance to it and I am older than 12.