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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can I find affordable and good quality belly dancing costumes?

Question:Make them yourself..

You need the bottoms of bikinis or dark undies...and get some second hand scarves from a thrift shop or some old dresses of thin see through material and cut long scarves..
Two scarves attached to the waist with ties, and then tied around the ankles make great harem trousers.
Tie a scarf around your head or around your breast...add some fake gold coins along the edges of the they hang at different lengths and shake when you shake...
Use a free scarf to wave around with your hands, and get some finger cymbals... are a belly dancer..

Indians wear a long skirt with the scarves tied over..again, you can get any skirt and decorate it with a frill and some fake coins and drops..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Make them yourself..

You need the bottoms of bikinis or dark undies...and get some second hand scarves from a thrift shop or some old dresses of thin see through material and cut long scarves..
Two scarves attached to the waist with ties, and then tied around the ankles make great harem trousers.
Tie a scarf around your head or around your breast...add some fake gold coins along the edges of the they hang at different lengths and shake when you shake...
Use a free scarf to wave around with your hands, and get some finger cymbals... are a belly dancer..

Indians wear a long skirt with the scarves tied over..again, you can get any skirt and decorate it with a frill and some fake coins and drops..

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