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Position:Home>Dancing> PLEASE HELP ME! What is the name of this dance?

Question:When I go to weddings, we do this dance I think it's called the New Jersey Slide. This is how the dance goes: you step your right foot to right side twice then left foot to the left side twice. Then you kick your right foot to side then left foot to the side. Then you kick your right foot forward, left foot forward. Repeat, but this time swing your body to the right half way. For three time. Then you repeat the whole process again. If you know please help me . I want to know if that the name of the dance and what the name of the song is that goes with the dance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I go to weddings, we do this dance I think it's called the New Jersey Slide. This is how the dance goes: you step your right foot to right side twice then left foot to the left side twice. Then you kick your right foot to side then left foot to the side. Then you kick your right foot forward, left foot forward. Repeat, but this time swing your body to the right half way. For three time. Then you repeat the whole process again. If you know please help me . I want to know if that the name of the dance and what the name of the song is that goes with the dance.

well...............i dont know the name of the dance but its not called the new jersey slide.

heguel degytl.

The electric slide

electric slide vote 2

It sounds like Totoy Bibo.
This is a fast version of it:

cha cha slide. every body clap your hand. now slide to the left, slide to the right