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Position:Home>Dancing> What are easy dance steps to the Charleston or any other 20s style dance?

Question:I need to teach a class of high school juniors how to do a 20s style dance. Any suggestions on websites that show a step-by-step guide? The easier the dance, the better. thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to teach a class of high school juniors how to do a 20s style dance. Any suggestions on websites that show a step-by-step guide? The easier the dance, the better. thanks!

There are TWO types of 20's Chaleston, Solo and Partnered. This video features both:

Additionally, you don't want to limit yourself to just learning just Basic Charleston, as may other dances of the 20's were danced as solo jazz steps that were alway danced with the Charleston (i.e. Shorty George, Jump Charleston, Squat Charleston, Suzy Q's, Tacky Annie's, Boogie Forward, Boogie Back, Rusty Dusty, Apple Jacks, Fall Off the Log, Spank the Baby, etc.)

Anyways, the Solo Charleston Basic consists of 8-counts. Left leg goes back and "touches back" first (counts 1, 2), then Left leg goes forward and "steps down" (counts 3, 4), then Right leg goes forward and "touches forward" (counts 5, 6), then Right leg goes back and "steps down" (counts 7, 8), repeat.

An alternative to 20's style of charleston is 30's style charleston which involves a "kick" with the appropriate leg on the odd counts (i.e. 3, 5, 7), and a "rock step" on 1, 2 instead of a touch back.

Here's a video of 30's solo charleston:

For more detailed lessons through online video check out:
They have a lot of videos for only $1 to watch, and if you look under "iDance Main", "Moves to Download", and "Vernacular Jazz" they have a lot of videos on the various 20's dances I mentioned above.

For Example:

Bottom line, I recommend you learn how to dance the Charleston in person with a real dance instructor. Basically you just need to find the closest Lindy Hop teacher to you. Try searching your city/state on this website:

For a little inspiration . . .

. . . check out this video of a Charleston Competition from 2005:

I hope that helps!

Happy Dancing!

umm have no idea sry

Well, a Charleston is a move with many variations. The basic Charleston steps with the left foot, swings the right leg forward, steps back on the right and swings back the left. swing the opposite arms to look like walking, which is what a Charleston imitates. Cartwheels were big in the 1920's too. You may want to teach your students whe basic Charleston and ask them to come up with wacky variations on the Charleston, which is what most people did then.

Hope I helped!