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Position:Home>Dancing> My school dance is today?

Question:im going to homecoming with my girlfriend but i dont know how to dance...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going to homecoming with my girlfriend but i dont know how to dance...

I just went to my homecoming last night, and I had no idea what I was doing either. If some of your friends are good dancers, or your date, just ask them. My friends were a big help. Or just look around, see what everyone else is doing...

so what just go have FUN dont worry about dance moves she wont care as long as you show her a great time

Let her help you out. I'm sure she'll help you if you ask for it.

Empty your mind of everything except the music & your girl, just move to the music. Better yet ,just tell her you're not much of a dancer & ask her to teach you.

dance how you think you should. but let your girlfriend know you're not an expert at dancing. that way she won't get too creeped out. And hey you never know, maybe she can't dance either.