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Question:I stretch my middle splits every day, and each day i get a little farther, but the next day I'm right back to where I was the previous day. It's been two months and I have gotten NOWHERE!

I'm soooo frustrated right now!
What should I do, are there some certain stretches I should be doing.
p.s. I am a dancer


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I stretch my middle splits every day, and each day i get a little farther, but the next day I'm right back to where I was the previous day. It's been two months and I have gotten NOWHERE!

I'm soooo frustrated right now!
What should I do, are there some certain stretches I should be doing.
p.s. I am a dancer


Keep stretching, but carefully. Also try different flexibility, conditioning and resistance exercises. You may have reached a temporary plateau as far as the splits go, and you may not be able to do them physically. Try doing a "pancake". Put your elbows on the flow and slid your feet downward until you begin to feel it and hold for as long as you can (Start with you feet about two feet apart) using your turnout muscles. Take a day off in between your conditioning process to let your muscles heel. When you stretch or use your muscles, you create tiny tears in the muscle. When those tears heal, they create stronger, more flexible muscle fibers. (Don't feel bad I had an oversplit on my left leg about six months ago and now I do not even have a full split on my left leg) Keep trying! Good luck!!!

Just keep on stretching, because it takes time to do the splits, especially the middle splits. Anyways, always eat right. Eat vegies and fruits everyday. Lack off the junk food, that might be the reason. Do other excercises, and you'll see if your finally flexible enough (;

There are a lot of good stretches in this article and the comments to it, specifically for improving your splits:

try other stretches that exercise that area. sit longer and longer in that position. also, if you are going through a grow spurt its harder to maintain your flexibility.

just keep practising
if you do ballet try doing some of your barre work in water at the pool this really helped me with flexibility

try stretching while ur in the water! if r in deep least up to ur shoulders then u let ur leg float up, it will go to the position that u naturally can go to and it will be stretching ur legs but it won't hurt that much...if that doesnt work, just keep practicing every day and eat healthy because a flexible dancer is a great dancer!

good luck!

Just keep stretching. It takes a long time to get your straddle. Try going into a grand plie away from the bar and put your hands on the insides (or the front depending on which way you are looking at it) and push your legs back. This helps you become more flexible in your hips. Allowing your straddle to be more comfortable.