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Position:Home>Dancing> 10 easy points if uv ever been to highskule?

Question:im going to my first highsckule dance next week. its a halloween dance.

um, do they have chaparons for it?
also, is there alchol. Id like to get some if i could, but, like the chaparons do they stay in the room (the dance wil be in the cafateria). and also, how do i know who has it?

i just want to have fun.~! ;)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going to my first highsckule dance next week. its a halloween dance.

um, do they have chaparons for it?
also, is there alchol. Id like to get some if i could, but, like the chaparons do they stay in the room (the dance wil be in the cafateria). and also, how do i know who has it?

i just want to have fun.~! ;)

yes sometimes they do have chaperones but normally kids bring mikes hard and pour it in the punch:P or just bring it and pour the mikes hard into your cup in a corner or in a restroom.

who spelled so oddly??? of course they stay and you may not drink

A high school dance has chaperones and no alcohol. The chaperones are usually posted in different areas, with some of them wandering to different areas of the dance.

I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.

sure they can have chaperons but no alchohal
in high school

no alky
chaperons are everywhere
no possible way to go in w/ alky or drunk
they arent THAT fun, but still fun

its a SCHOOL dance of course there isnt gonna be alcohol and of couse chaperones

Yes, there will be chaparones and most likely they will stay in the room and lurk in outside corners. You do not need alcohol to have fun at a halloween dance. Don't worry about who has it. Just have fun!

they will be in the cafeteria with you, and alcohol is a terrible choice, unless you're really gutty

im in high school too and #1 dont drink at a school dance because you do stupid stuff in front of everyone that youll regret later and #2 there are chaperones everywhere that way nothing that violates school rules will happen.

Yea there are chaparons and they do stay in the room. people usually drink and party before or after the dance. you will be able to smell the alchohol!!! its very strong!!! you can sneak it in. have fun!

You need top go back to the 3rd grade and learn how to spell.. LMAOOOOO OK OK OK I know you want some adult to bite on buying you some alcohol so you can set him up with a sting operation. ... come on guys Act just a little smarter.

it is not fun to have a ruined brain by the time you are 25. Alcohol gives a high by poisoning brain cells. Did you know that? Fine, in moderation, but permanent damage if you consume too much. Fun is available without poisoning yourself.

it is sad to see you kill the English language too. Yes, lots of teens are "doing" it, but once you have to be an adult and hold a job in the world (not so far away!) you will hurt your chances irrepairably to make a good living, much less become "rich". Your spelling screams "ignorant."

yes I been to my 3rd and 4Th year high school dances but the idea of chaperons and drinking alcohol are bad it's what guys want girls to get drunk and touch your body naked it's that what you want?


Back in my day, we didn't go to High School Dances for fun. It was work and there was plenty of it. But at least there was alcohol; usually forty to sixty kegs of it. Trouble was that we weren't allowed to drink any of it. But if you got lucky, one would fall on you and you could suck on the wooden planks of the barrel and almost get a whiff of some good ol' Rot Gut.

Like I said, dances weren't for fun. No siree. We would have to staple all kinds of crepe paper and pig bladders to the rafters, standing on each other's shoulders. It was pretty dangerous and we always lost a couple of kids that way.

But we had to do it, fun or no fun, because, well, that's what we did back then. T'weren't no time for thinking or lolly-gagging like you young folk do nowadays, what with your iPods and horseless carriages and the IntroNetWeb. We didn't even have electricity back then! We had to watch t.v. by candlelight and that was before we had to milk the cows and go to bed.

Durn kids.