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Position:Home>Dancing> How to do the dance move where you are laying on the floor and then get up witho

Question:the one where you spring up by gaining force with your legs. it would be great if you could explain how to do it and/or tell me the name of it. thanx. peace out!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the one where you spring up by gaining force with your legs. it would be great if you could explain how to do it and/or tell me the name of it. thanx. peace out!

you can search on youtube for kip up tutorials. it's very hard to try and explain with just words. the most important thing is to follow a good tutorial and just keep trying it. some people's bodies are made to move like that but if you keep trying and don't give up you'll get it.

called a kip-up

chris brown does it a lot, maybe that's where you saw it.