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Position:Home>Dancing> Whats good belly dancing music?

Question:I just started belly dancing and I want to download some good belly dance music...anyone know any names. In my class we have really good stuff, but I don't know the names of any of them. Anyone can help me with some names and titles of good ones for a beginner?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just started belly dancing and I want to download some good belly dance music...anyone know any names. In my class we have really good stuff, but I don't know the names of any of them. Anyone can help me with some names and titles of good ones for a beginner?

It depends on whether you are looking for contemporary/current or classic/traditional style music.

Classic / Traditional
Omm Kolsoum / Umm Khulthum (many spelling variations)
George Abdo
Eddie “the Sheik” Kochak
Farid el-Atrache
Mohammed el-Bakkar

Contemporary music in traditional style
Emad Sayyah
Chalf Hassan
Hossam Ramzy
Mostafa Sax

Contemporary / current
Cheb Mami
Pe-Ko music

Arabic audiences usually appreciate a dancer who performs to Omm Kolsoum.

I enjoy performing to Emad Sayyah's music. And I love music by Tarkan or Hakim for something contemporary.

a good site for Arabic music

beautiful liar by beyonce and shakira is good

Hozam Ramsy, Enya, Soft Rain

Fahtiem. You can contact her at Bellydancemagic. She has several good cds out (and she is a wonderful teacher as well)