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Position:Home>Dancing> In ur opinion what is the most fun dance to do?

Question:modern, salsa, ballroom, hip hop??

I need a rly fun one that is guna get me all nice and toned.

Love Tinks xoxox

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: modern, salsa, ballroom, hip hop??

I need a rly fun one that is guna get me all nice and toned.

Love Tinks xoxox

Tink! it has to be the Salsa...!!!
Its fun, its energetic, its got grace & passion!

The jive

Chicken dance.

musical chairs.


The Monster Mash.


break dancing

stick on a dance/trance CD, that will get you dancing/toning

THE CHICKIN DANCE il second that or maby hokey pokey best of luck!!

Horizontal Rumba........Badda Man ;-)

I love all sorts of dances.

(only with a lady)


or chicken dance.! lol.

something that has lots of good beats

The Horizontal Fast Tango

The Birdie song

dead body dance

the birdy dance yeah cool lol

Cwalkin,(falls into hip/hop) takes time skill and style to do and looks awsome.

But wont get much of u toned. =(

Salsa :)

I would say either jazz or hip hop. contemporary is also very fun as well.

Well, of the four listed, hip hop will help you get toned and still be a lot of fun, but my favorite is East Coast Swing. You'll work up a pretty good sweat if you do it long enough and fast enough

hip hop!!! It never gets boring!

ballet!!!! It takes hard work but it is worth it when you go on pointe!!!!!!

Argentine Tango. It's the most sensual dance out there.

Contempoary! I did it for 5 years and loved it!!! It makes you feel healthy, nimble and alive!!!
Look at Martha Graham or Ruth St Dennis!

I love dancing and the really fun ones are modern dance or hip hop. My friends and I go clubbing all the time and seriously we get a work out dancing. Especially if you know how to move your hips, abdomen, and butt. I danced ballroom up at school and that was fun too. For ballroom my favorite dances were the cha cha and swing. I guess it all depends on your style. If you just want to get tone then any type of dancing will do the work. You could always try all of them and see which one you prefer. I am so excited for you. You are going to have so much fun! My advice is don't be afraid to try new things and look silly. And have lot's of fun.

Good Luck Tinks

TANGO really fun and good work out.