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Position:Home>Dancing> What is your favorite kind of dancing?

Question:I think I like hiphop dancing the best. Exotic is kewl but I'd never do it lol. Love ballet. And most of ballroom especialy Tango and Salsa.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think I like hiphop dancing the best. Exotic is kewl but I'd never do it lol. Love ballet. And most of ballroom especialy Tango and Salsa.

mosh pit!!!!

I love to hip-hop dance i take a class for it, its so fun!

I like Salsa music(it's catchy :D)

but I guess I liek street and stuff like that.. but I don't like the music

Trance, Dance, great music, great sound, The best for me.
I like almost all kind of music of course.
**no bachata or merengue or salsa**

Ballet,it's classic,elegant,live forever.

HIP HOP all the way i like ballroom a ton 2
ballet hurt my feet to much

About anything with my sweetie ;-) We love to old-fashioned waltz, country line dancing, Native American dances (which are sometimes erotic), or to just get down to Billy Idol's version of "Mony, Mony"! Dance your life away, everyone! It will keep you in shape, keep ya happy and you may even win a bunch of money on some game show about lyrics. LOL


I love all kinds of dance, but ballet tops all!! I love being able to strive for the impossible. (and performingg is the BEST!!)

ballet and jaz are my favorite because of the leaps and turns. next i'd have to say tap and hip hop. modern and ballroom is really fun too
