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Question:I was just wondering can you dance en pionte with bunions? I just dont see how you could balance with them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was just wondering can you dance en pionte with bunions? I just dont see how you could balance with them.

yup im going up en pointe very soon and i have severe bunions. Getting bunion surgery means that u cant ever go en pointe. i asked my doc

I think yes...but possibly only if you've had surgery for the bunions. I have the New York Ballet workout tape and it's really clear that one of the ballerinas has bunions. She does dance en pointe on the tape.

Yes, because you can always get a certain shoe with a wider box, so it is comfortable for you and your bunions! Just joking! Good Luck en pointe!

yes. it may hurt them since there is so much pressure on them, but it is definitely possible.

yes you can.
bunheads makes a product called the "bunion buster" which is a little gel sock for the bunion and buionette areas, just for a little protection.
and, if the shoe is properly fitted, you will have little to no additional pain compared to a bunion-less dancer.

on a side note, having your bunions surgically removed does NOT eliminate dancing en pointe, but most dancers opt to have the surgery after their career is done because it does make it a little difficult to keep up with your training, what with recovering from surgery and all.

yes you can...its just a lot harder to find pointe shoes that fit cuz you'll need a wider box, but you dont want the rest of the shoe (like the heel) to be too wide