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Position:Home>Dancing> How does this break dancing move work?

Question:I don't know the name of this dance move, but the way it looks is: The person leans forward at an insane angle and still be able to stay like that without falling forward. For those of you who knows what I'm talking about, can you tell me the name of the move or tell me how it actually works? How can someone balance their body like that without falling forward.

You can see the move in action at 1:54:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know the name of this dance move, but the way it looks is: The person leans forward at an insane angle and still be able to stay like that without falling forward. For those of you who knows what I'm talking about, can you tell me the name of the move or tell me how it actually works? How can someone balance their body like that without falling forward.

You can see the move in action at 1:54:

it's what michael jackson use to do in his videos. you can do it, it's not that hard. try practicing in front of the wall. stay about 2 ft away, and try to balance on your heels by keeping constant pressure on your feet. as you get better with the balancing, move away from the wall and try maintaining your balance again. move from 2 ft to 3 ft to 4 ft. and soon you will be able to do it.
good luck.