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Position:Home>Dancing> Can someone help me with baby freeze (breakdancing)??? i think my arms are too s

Question:when i go to start, the main problem i have is when i put my arm on my hip to lift, my legs can still stay flat on the floor with my arm in the correct position. Is this an issue or do i just lack the arm muscles to be able to do it properly? also does anyone have any tips at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when i go to start, the main problem i have is when i put my arm on my hip to lift, my legs can still stay flat on the floor with my arm in the correct position. Is this an issue or do i just lack the arm muscles to be able to do it properly? also does anyone have any tips at all?
probably lack of wrist strength and technique, don't forget to breathe when holding it. freezes and poses are generally easy to get with little practice. think of a dope way to get in your baby freeze.

stretch too.
i don't breakdance...but it may be you lack the arm muscles to do the move...