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Position:Home>Dancing> Would It be acceptable?/ ballet question?

Question:Would it be acceptable for me to wear just my pink ballet tights over my black leo? (the tights would be rolled down) I go to a professional classical ballet company and I am two levels from being at the top of the company. None of the girls in my current class have done it before but they are all brand new to the class. I have been in it for about a year now. My friends in a level above me do it all of the time And I just don't know. please answer! I have ballet class soon!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Would it be acceptable for me to wear just my pink ballet tights over my black leo? (the tights would be rolled down) I go to a professional classical ballet company and I am two levels from being at the top of the company. None of the girls in my current class have done it before but they are all brand new to the class. I have been in it for about a year now. My friends in a level above me do it all of the time And I just don't know. please answer! I have ballet class soon!!!
ask the teacher to be sure, i wouldnt want something as trivial as that to risk ur chances of moving up (or be yelled at for being unprepared or something) some teachers r more strict than others about dress code. ask first
I've never done it before..but just to be safe, don't yet. Ask around if you are allowed to because you wouldn't want to get in trouble or anything. Hope this helps!!! :)
I say go for it! Maybe you'll start a trend and the younger dancers and those in your level/class will follow =]
I've seen videos on youtube of professionals at a rehearsal or class doing just that. I don't see why it wouldn't be unacceptable, I do it all the time. But if you are really unsure, as your teacher.
Uhh, not sure. Don't do it this class. Ask the teacher, always!. A overnight ballet academy lie school? You take classes and sleep there or u go to regular school and then go there after school? Wow, you must be a GREAT ballet dancer!
i wear just tights over my leo all the time. but my school isn't very picky about what we wear. if your school has strict dress code rules, i probably wouldn't. but it seems like your school probably wouldn't care since other girls are already doing it. i say go for it!
I'm honestly not sure, but if you want to be safe don't. But if the majority of the grirls in the level above you do it, i'm guessing your safe too. It's your choise, you don't have to if you don't want to!
generally, if your tights go over the leo, they should be darker than the the leo. unless youre wearing a skirt over it. i personally think it looks tacky to wear pink over black, but some girls do it. the problem is that the gusset is SO visible in pink white and tan tights, its like panty lines. if you have a choice, black tights over a light coloured leo
I personally wouldn't wear pink over black, but other than that, check with your teacher BEFORE you try wearing them to class (not checking first is disrespectful and could get you yelled at or worse). The only objection I can see, other than not having a standard dress code, is that if they move too much while you dance, they could get distracting. I stopped some of my students from doing it because it can get hard to tell if their alignment is messed up or if their tights are mussed and sitting unevenly.

So, yeah, ask your teacher. And have a reason why lined up ahead of time - that always makes people more likely to say yes.
go ahead. i always do it when we dont have to wear our uniform