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Position:Home>Dancing> What should I wear to my first adult ballet class?

Question:I took ballet as a kid, and I remember we had a strict dress code. Should I wear a leotard, tights, the whole bit or can I wear regular clothes, sneakers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I took ballet as a kid, and I remember we had a strict dress code. Should I wear a leotard, tights, the whole bit or can I wear regular clothes, sneakers.
Well in my dance company we have out girls wear... Black leotards and Black tights. Also They like to add a tough of personality with some legwarmers of any color really. Tight fitted tank tops usually and in winter tight longs sleeves usually. Also tighter pans or shorts and shorter shorts because I like to be able to see their lines and and make sure they are not cheating on their moves also if you do not do it right you can damage your body...

Hope this helped....and also I know people have been saying stuff about the shoes and yes you do want some soft shoes sneakers are a big NO-NO

I would assume that comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely would be fine. If you have your ballet shoes yet, you should wear those. If you have questions about dress code in an adult class, give the studio a call and find out for sure. I doubt there'd be one, but they might be able to give you some good suggestions on what to wear.

Hope you have fun! Ballet rocks!
I would wear something comfortable, but form fitting. The instructor needs to be able to see if you are in the right alignment and are doing the right movements. I would look into getting some soft ballet shoes.
You know what Karen? Why even go? I mean, if your not going to take it seriously. Just stay home where you can wear your sneakers and casual garments.
I would suggest showing up in a black leotard and pink tights with your ballet shoes. Look around at other members of the class and get an idea of what everyone else is going to wear. Have some form fitting clothes (a tank top and jazz type pants) and sneakers ready in case you want them. it is always better to show up more conservatively and be over dressed then to show up in something that makes you stand out and look clueless. I hope this helped!
I think it really depends on what your studio says to do. My studio lets adults wear form fitted outfits with their ballet shoes. (Which, I would suggest, sneakers are probably a no-no) Other studios I know of wan everyone, no matter what the age, wearing black leotards and pink tights. I'd suggest calling your studio and ask them what to do.

Have fun (:
Well, ballet is all in the body as well as the feet so you need to wear figure huggin or fitted clothes that allow your teacher to see the movements of your body. If you wear a leotard and tights under some jogging bottoms then you could always take them off if you get too hot or if you feel comfy in them or if everyone in the class id wearing the formal ballet wear. Never wear sneakers to a ballet class! Wear a full sole of split sole soft ballet shoe. Make sure it is natural or balletic pink. Elastics on the shoe would be a good idea as it supports the foot whilst you are learning. Put your hair up too as u could get hot and if could get in your way when you dance. Also dont wear any jewellery. good Luck. Take a bottle of water too! Enjoy!
something sexy