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Position:Home>Dancing> Will this help..I'm doing it everday?

Question:Ok I'm starting to do this everday and I'm wondering if I will get better at dance generally, toe touches, splitz and make me a better dancer. I also take a dance lesson once a week. Ok I stretch everday for about 15 min. or a little more, then I do some crunches and pushups. Then I do a couple toe touches, donkey kicks and the 3 dif. splitz (center, right, left). Then for about 5 min. I do technique things like hips, popping and shoulders and other techniques.I hip hop dance by the way. Will this help me get better at toe touches, splitz and be a better dancer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok I'm starting to do this everday and I'm wondering if I will get better at dance generally, toe touches, splitz and make me a better dancer. I also take a dance lesson once a week. Ok I stretch everday for about 15 min. or a little more, then I do some crunches and pushups. Then I do a couple toe touches, donkey kicks and the 3 dif. splitz (center, right, left). Then for about 5 min. I do technique things like hips, popping and shoulders and other techniques.I hip hop dance by the way. Will this help me get better at toe touches, splitz and be a better dancer?
yess... that should definetly helpp out A LOT!
im a cheerleader and my assistant coach is actually in the physical therapist field...
as long as you are holding your splits everyday for atleast 1 min and a half a day, you will get ur splits in about two week

hope this helps!!!
it really will because u will get mor eendurance and flexibilty for the routines u do
yes it will!!!!

i did all of that and my dance coach said im really good at my toe touches

just remember, the way you sit in your strattle is how your toe touch should look (not the splits) and your not really touching your toes, so you need to keep your back straight
i think that wil ttly help, try addinh in straddle streaches to!!!!