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Position:Home>Dancing> What type of dancing is used in High school musical?

Question:Is it Hip Hop?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it Hip Hop?
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On the encore editions dvd in the special features, the cast explains how there are many styles of dance in this movie, from Jazz, Salsa, Hip-hop,Ramba,Break-Dance,Cheer. gosh countless other ones..I can't think on the top of my head..but you should watch it if you have the dvd.

For performing arts my dance troupe did a dance to Getcha Head In The Game and We're Al In This Together, it was mixed between jazz, hip-hop and modern.

haha i just want to see how many thumbs down i can get.
I'd say there was a lot of jazz dancing. If you can tell from their dancing, it was very clean. Jazz is the cleanest (Don't get me wrong, I love hip-hop!) form of dancing available on Disney channel!!! lol
I believe it isn't a certain dance.Look it up on High school musical .com.


Mia Hamm
It is a combination of Jazz and Hip Hop. It is not classical Fosse jazz but not street hip hop either. Most people call it "bubble gum" hip hop because it is considered more "appropriate" then some forms of hip hop ie no bumping and grinding.