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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think that dance is a sport?

Question:i know people who think that dance is not a real sport. i think that dancing is a sport ( tap ballet jazz hip-hop modern ect.) tell me what you think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i know people who think that dance is not a real sport. i think that dancing is a sport ( tap ballet jazz hip-hop modern ect.) tell me what you think.
I personally think of it as a sport. Reasons:
1. it's a workout!
2. You are training and learning something that not everyone can do.
3. you can compete (on dance teams and such)
4. you can make a living by either teaching (like coaching in other sports) or actually doing it professionally

The definition of a sport is:An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively (American Heritage dictionary)

Physical exertion? check!
Skill? double check!
Set of rules? of course
competitively? it can be

I think it's a sport!

(But it's also a very special sport, since it DOES combine certain elements (grace, poise, music) that are associated with an art form. So it's essentially both! But it IS a sport!
i think so cause u have 2 work hard and u also sweat
depends on how u implement it
Heck yes it is! I was taught jazz, tap & ballet for 7 years. What a workout! You have to be fit to achieve in this sport. Yes, it is a sport. Our dance place used to host parades during the summer as well. We wouldn't be one of those dance places that danced once in awhile and then walked once in awhile. We had a little over a hundred girls and we would dance our butt off the ENTIRE parade. We were even in the Auqatennial Papade (BIG parade here in our state and VERY long) and we would dance the entire time. We'd have songs that would allow us slower movement from time-to-time thoughtout the parade but we were still dancing. The one time I danced in this parade it was so dang hot and humid we lost a few girls along the way. Point is, you have to be trained just like a trained althete to do this. IT IS a sport. I'd like to see half those people try it out. And I never had such a good body when I was doing that too! I miss those days.
it is
i asked my teacher in second grade
since our class has so many dancers. we did a poll also
since you sweat and work hard
i think danc eis a sport
i also love to dance
yes, of course it is a sport, and people that say it isnt obviously havent done it
Hmmm... a highly disputed question among dancers and athletes. Let's see... by definition a sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill that is often undertaken competitively.

Well dancing definitely involves physical exertion. It's not for the weak of heart. Maybe you've experienced a 12 minute tap number in which you have 35 seconds each for two different costume changes ( my dance teacher is insane). it's indeed physically strenuous.

As for the "skill" part of the definition. Consider doing 18 fouette turns en pointe in Swan Lake while trying to spot in the midst of being blinded by stage lights. One might call that a skill.

It is a well known fact that dancers compete regularly so there is no need in debating that. Whether in a regional, national, or international competition dancers are always as willing to bring home the first place trophy as any swimmer, runner, biker or water polo-er.
Dancing can be a sport, but ultimately dancing is the art of god
Yeap it sure is! I don't do much of "sports" but i dance a lot! And i haven't been sick for years thanks to dance! At least call it a workout eh?
i think dance is a;z much a sport as football or basketball or golf or tennis.
Dancing is the hardest and most skilled sport ever! i love it and anyone who says its not a sport is sum state!