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Uhh school problems?

My friend found out about something and she is not talking to me. How do I solve this, or at least avoid her at school? I have to admit I am kind of a scaredy cat. I don't know what will happen.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Write a note and put it in her locker or you can IM her/text her and tell her you two need to talk. Lifes all about taking chances, so if your nervous and don't wanna do the things mentioned above, just do it. becuz if you do, you know at least you tried. if she doesn't forgive you, then the friendship wasn't worth it. just leave her alone! do u know any thing about hermit crabs and if you dont then im gonna stick a picece of mmm in ur mouth!!!!! put a note in her locker
if she still ignores you, she truly is not ur best friend what i say is that go to her and talk to her. if she says "leave me alone" then say "no i wont!!!" then say "y arent u talking to me??" if she says "u dont have to know" or "its none of ur buisness" then say "just tell me!!!" what does this have to do with dance