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JV Cheer or Drill Team. please read :D?

Hey im a sophomore right now, and on the school's Drill Team.There was tryouts for Jv Cheer last year, but I didn'ttryout because I had just made Drill T. We got new teachers for drill t, wo are nice, but annoying.;b/c for tryouts for games/pep rallies, they pick the same people over and over that it gets old,
Personally, I did cheer for 3 years, and I like it better than drill team. So i was thinking of trying out this year. They take 10 girls and its in march.
For JV Tryouts, we need recommendation from every teacher which includes my drill team teachers. and if I don't make the team, I will have to go back to Drill team which will be really awkward between me and the teachers because they'll already know that I dont like dance that much. even though that sounds like no biggie,it will be AWKWARD
I could wait till Junior year for Varsity Cheer tryouts, but I know its easier to make varsity when you are alread jv. ah i dont know wat to do. tricks to make cheer? THANX

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you dont like the drill team that much then you should definitely tryout for cheerleading! It's worth a shot and i think you would have a lot more fun cheering too. If you dont make it talk to your coaches about it. Tell them you decided to try something different this year, but it didnt workout. Good luck =] Personally, I did cheer for 3 years, and I like it better than drill team um wayy to much info btw...but def do drill team its wayyy cooler